Events & Activities
We offer activities year–round at the Community House for our residents. September to June programming is for Popponesset adults and families and includes our traditional Potluck Dinners, crafts, indoor shuffleboard, games, and other social events. Follow our website events calendar for the schedule and details.
Renting the Community House
Popponesset homeowners (provided they are current on dues and assessments), may rent the Community House for special functions. Contact PBA for rental information, availability and fees: Contact.
Community House Generator
In the event of widespread power loss in the Popponesset area, the Community House has a generator that can provide access to power for those residents without electricity.
Summer Youth Program
The Summer Program includes many activities for Popponesset youth such as soccer and softball, crafts, bingo, movies, etc. It starts the week prior to July 4th and closes around the 3rd week of August. Usually the House opens by 8:45 AM on weekdays, and generally is closed on weekends except for special events. A Summer Calendar is included with the Spring beach flag letter. Stop at the Community House during the seasonal open hours for more information.
Popponesset merchandise like t-shirts and sweatshirts are available during summer season while the Community House is open.
Volunteering & Working at the House
Most of the work at the Community House is done by adult and youth volunteers. Please contact us by email or come by the House when it's open if you’d like to get involved. Each year we are also able to engage some of our young helpers with greater responsibilities and reward them with compensation for their work. Youths that would like to know more about hiring at the House please see the information and guidelines below and contact us early in the year: Contact.
Can I get a paid job at the Community House?
The need for paid helpers depends on the calendar and how many events and participants we have. Priority is given to Popponesset youths who have shown an interest by volunteering and being involved in previous years. For more information about hiring contact the Popponesset Beach association: [email protected]
Mailing address: PBA - Popponesset Beach Association, PO Box 1674, Mashpee, MA 02649 What are the House hiring guidelines?