The Spit and Popponesset Bay
Fishing the channel off the Spit
The dunes on the Spit and the eel grass plantings there protect and help preserve Popponesset Bay for all of us to enjoy. SPB, PBA and other stakeholders have invested in maintaining the Spit by adding sand, plantings and dredging to off-set erosion of this barrier beach. Mass Audubon monitors and protects the area for endangered migratory birds which are impacted by the presence of dogs and humans. Dogs are prohibited on the Spit during nesting periods, and dogs and humans are expected to stay off the dunes and plantings at all times.
RESTRICTIONS: Dogs are prohibited on the Spit during nesting periods, and dogs and humans are expected to stay off the dunes and plantings at all times. Save Popponesset Bay
Save Popponesset Bay (SPB) owns two thirds of the land on the western portion of the Spit. SPB has undertaken a variety of important initiatives to protect and preserve the Spit and to keep the waterways in and around Popponesset safe and navigable. Homeowners and guests can support preservation of the Spit by supporting the efforts of SPB.
Save the bay - Get involved! Ways you can help...(click to open)
FROM SAVE POPPONESSET BAY: Now is the time to get involved in our community! SPB needs your help, we are all in this together. Below are the areas where we could use YOU! If you would like more information or are ready to get involved, please email Kathy [email protected] or Marlene [email protected].
MASS AUDUBON owns the eastern third of the Spit and manages the conservation area:
"Popponesset Spit Conservation:...provides nesting habitat for coastal waterbirds of high conservation priority including Piping Plovers, Least Terns, and Common Terns. The wildlife sanctuary also serves as a pre-migration fall staging area for Common Terns and sometimes Roseate Terns as well as many shorebird species." |